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3 new Johnny Depp facebook covers! :)

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Owner: Rach

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johnny fans...
welcome to johnny fans! enjoy your stay! come back soon! god bless!

Hi good morning everyone! As you can see a new header. I also managed to make 4 new face book covers. I also added a Guestbook So don't be stubborn Sign it! haha. Thanks if you do :) I appreicate everyone's support and affies, etc. You all rock!

My good friend is in the hospital and isn't doing to good. Her name is Jan. I would be devasted if something happend to her. I love her very much. She's a good friend of the family's. Then my cousin Leighann has cancer. They had to amputate both of her feet. Ugh! What is this world coming to?!?!

Well fixing to do laundry. We have a washer and dryer on our floor. Well they have one on every floor of my apartment. It's a nice luxuary to have! LOL! But that's what I'm doing today. Nothing majorly exciting. lol!

Have a good day. I also made some new link back buttons too. I guess you say I was in the creative mood :) *wink*. Good day & God bless! XO!